AT-Closed Vial® and Container Closure Integrity during Cryogenic Storage
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Facing the shift towards personalized medicines, addressing lack of specific formulations or extraordinary shortages of essential drugs, the hospital pharmacies provide compounding services.
These pharmacy preparations are customized to the specific patients’ needs, when prescription medicine options are not available or can’t be applied, and thus are crucial for the patient care.
Compounding of the injectable products is a challenging, critical process that requires skills and expertise of hospital pharmacy team, in order to guarantee sterility assurance, patient and hospital staff safety and optimal administration procedures.
Fill & finish of small or extra-small batches is typically performed manually and thus is associated with high risks of contamination and human errors.
The AT-Closed Vial® fill & finish stations operate with ready-to-use fluid path and bring the ultimate sterility assurance, rapidity of operation and space-saving aseptic filling to your hospital pharmacy.
Safety, quality and efficiency is key while dealing with compounding several injectable products for local hospitals.
Our multi-format robotic fill and finish lines, combined with isolator or RABS, bring flexibility to your day-to-day centralized pharmacy needs.
To secure the clinical outcomes, the hospital staff shall be confident and comfortable with the product administration procedures. Moreover, some products, as cytotoxics, require particular precautions, since the exposure to these hazardous substances shall be strictly avoided.
The AT-Closed Vial®, a polymer vial, resistant to shocks and extreme storage conditions, as well as the associated tool for the product recovery, the AT-Adapt™, provide you with the security levels you need.
Our technologies bring consistency and robustness to the fill and finish processes of cell and gene therapy players globally.
AT-Closed Vial® and Container Closure Integrity during Cryogenic Storage